My First Online Submission

The Las Vegas Writers convention I mentioned in my last blog, “Another Journey Landmark”, was indeed a wealth of information. The convention was filled with useful instruction that I can share with you along my journey to become a published author. 

This week I decided to look into contests and magazines seeking work for publication. When seeking advice on how to tell if a request for work is legitimate, I’ve been told to watch out for reading and submission fees.While a small fee may be required to cover some expenses, it will come as no surprise to some of you that there are businesses that will collect your fees and never do a lick of work. The same, Im told, is true in the publishing industry. So how do I differentiate a legitimate request for work from a request by a would be shister? The answer seems to be mainly in the amount of entrance and or reading fee being charged. While some experts have stated that any fee may be too much, publications recommended by these same experts are charging an entry fee for contests. How do I muddle through the confusion? That’s right, just keep muddling and doing the very best I can. Outside of that, an online guide of literary magazines and publications called New Pages, I’m told by fellow Las Vegas Writers Convention goers, includes a list of legitimate publications seeking works for publication and legitimate contests. 

Not far into my search through New Pages I found an online poetry magazine. The Name of the magazine is the American Journal of Poetry requesting submissions for their bi-annual online poetry publication. For a modest $5.00 fee I am able to submit up to 6 poems for consideration. 

So I do. Well, I submitted three of my poems. Yea! I have finally submitted some of my work for publication. The submission requested a cover letter, though they did state my work could still be considered without it, and a biography. 

Lucky for me I learned about cover letters at the Writers convention mentioned above. In the first paragraph I will Introduce myself explain why I chose this person at the agency I sent my work to for consideration. In the Second Paragraph I will include my book blurb. This is the content that you would normally find on the back of a book cover that outlines the story and why the reader wants to buy this book. Within this blurb I need to list 3 books that are similar that my book would sit next to on the shelf and how my book differs. In this case I am sending 3 love poems for publication so instead of a book blurb I explain they are love poems. The last paragraph is information about me and specifically why I should be the one to have may name on the publication. One would think being the holder of the copyright would be enough. I’m told, however, it is not. In this paragraph I need to explain what special credentials, previous education, marketing skills, social media followers I bring to the table to help sell this book. My word count should also be included.

It’s important to note and address all submission requirements a publication, Agent, or Publisher lists. Not adhering to these requirements will likely result in my submission being trashed. The poetry journal I am submitting to also has a place for my biography so I happily cut snd paste my web site biography from the about me page into the block provided on the submission page.

After ensuring my poetry .pdf files are formatted as perfect as I can get them with my name, email, pone number, and website in the upper left hand corner of each document I upload the files for publication consideration. I submit the request, pay my $5.00 dollar submission fee and sit back and wait for a much anticipated positive response.

I am excited to have finally reached the point in my journey to become published to submit my work to a literary publisher.  I am promised that within 15 days I will receive a response from the publications editors. Sharing this response with you, no matter how positive or constructive it might be is also part of my excitement. 

I’m glad you’re here following my journey to become published. Stay tuned to find out if I will be published in an online journal. 

Now, It’s time to write.

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